NOW [prophetic word]
At the intersection of future and TODAY, your life is laid out before you and begins to PLAY, as you step out in faith and choose to...
At the intersection of future and TODAY, your life is laid out before you and begins to PLAY, as you step out in faith and choose to...
When you've got it in your hand to DO, but you hesitate to calculate, missing the moment so TRUE. You won't know how that miracle would...
What are you doing when you're just sitting AROUND, can you rest in My presence without losing any GROUND? Everybody trying to reach you,...
You know that life is all about TIMING, showing up at the right place in the right moment, everything RHYMING. No one impatiently tapping...
When I set everything up circular to SUSTAIN, it was perfectly balanced without a STRAIN, but the centripetal force was violated by the...
Fear intends to PARALYZE, IMMOBILIZE & cover your EYES, no SURPRISE. By faith My people will break the shackles & ARISE to receive their...
Why do you struggle to UNDERSTAND, that love is embodied in my Son, the Son of MAN? With all the songs that are written now and yet to...
When you're going through some hard times that causes hot tears to stream down your CHEEK, and the landscape all around you starts to...
Day to night the time goes BYE, you're looking to get off the ground and start to FLY, but then you notice that you're being held back &...
What are you looking for and have you found it YET? Is it mostly of you and not of Jesus, a safe BET? Why do we look for the return on...
The WEIGHT of WAIT at times can be very GREAT, heavy on the heart and against the soul it will GRATE. From the minute we say "amen" by...
What is it you DESIRE as you look to soar HIGHER? Never thought you'd be a FLYER but here you are above the high WIRE. The view from up...
Why do we care what others SAY, when we have God's perspective every DAY? Why do we hold back when we have it in our heart to DO, all we...
What are you looking FOR? Believing FOR? Standing FOR? Is it this or that, or perhaps a surprise behind door number FOUR? Isn't it...
Why are people living in REBELLION during these present evil DAYS? Could it be the season of rebellion, witchery and the making of our...
Mankind has become dependent upon this nebulous system called the GRID. What if something happens to it, and shuts (IT) down like a LID?...
This post needs no reason or RHYME, for this is the right place at the right TIME. Can you see what I SEE? The son, the son, returning to...
What do you do while your waiting IN-BETWEEN? Do you keep busy or try not to think of how much you want my promise to be SEEN? What is...
What do you do at night when you're laying down on your comfy BED? Do you see visions of reindeer dancing & elves carrying bags of sugar...